Sunday, March 29, 2009

Empire of the Sun - Walking on a Dream

You'll probably remember this one:

How can I explain
Talking to myself
Will I see again

We are always running for the thrill of it thrill of it
Always pushing up the hill searching for the thrill of it
On and on and on we are calling out and out again
Never looking down I’m just in awe of what’s in front of me

Is it real now
When two people become one
I can feel it
When two people become one

Thought I’d never see
The love you found in me
Now it’s changing all the time
Living in a rhythm where the minutes working overtime

Catch me I’m falling down
Catch me I’m falling down

Don’t stop just keep going on
I’m your shoulder lean upon
So come on deliver from inside
All we got is tonight that is right till first light

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The purpose of a wave

I've been saving this for a time when I can sit down and write something substantial. Well, it's been 4 days, and that time hasn't found its way to me yet, and I have the feeling it's not going to any time soon.

What is the purpose? The purpose of anything. That seems to be an important question.

This comes from a couple venues. First, a lecture on metaphors, both in life and in design. Metaphors have allowed humans to communicate abstract ideas by relating them to physical and tangible things. Metaphors have created a laymans way of discussing complications in the world. Metaphors have this purpose.

Second, To The Lighthouse by Virgina Woolf. It seems the purpose of this book is to discuss the purpose of our lives. Our trivial lives.

As a forewarning, I may abstract a lot of what I intend to say or actually mean to save face, and to allow this to relate to a more broad audience. But if you are intended to understand the specifics, you will. And please read in to everything I say, for this has been crafted carefully.

A metaphor: Life is like a wave.

What is the purpose?

It seems that the purpose is for people to come together. Couples, family, friends. And by applying the wave metaphor to this purpose, my life has become just a little bit clearer.

A wave comes and goes. It comes together to form a crest, then sinks back down into the ocean. It is never, and can never, be a constant wave. It must repeat this process, even in the desolate and remote areas of the ocean, it repeats this action, forms a crest, then disappears back into the abyss.

People, like these waves, cannot be together constantly. There is no way for humans to physically be together at all times. Thus the purpose begins. We must come together, but we must also become apart.

To read further into this: To even know what together is, to even experience this feeling, you must also experience apart.

So we are all like a wave. We come together, then fall apart. Until the next crest, when we are together again. Lovers must be apart to know they are in love. Family must be apart to appreciate one another. You must be apart to be missed.

Quickly, furthering the metaphor, I want to attempt to make tangible the abstract notion of gravity. Because like waves, we are all affected by gravity. Honestly, it seems to be the largest driving force in our existence. It seems to be what makes us get up in the morning, what pushes us through the day, what ages us, and eventually takes us to our resting place. It affects certain people in different ways. It affects me specifically in very abstract ways, pulling me towards people, pushing me from others. But overall, gravity is what drives me.

Imagine the power in each wave. And remember that power the next time you are together. Realize the power created when you are together.

This is he, this is she

Trying out blogging from my itouch. As much as I like the iPhone, I like a physical keyboard even more.

I would like to say something facinating, but I'm afraid that my dexterity on this device will not let me.

Remember what I said? I don't know if I can hold up my end of the deal. It's to hard at this point when the world around you piles as much as it can on your shoulders. But this we did not shake on. I'll keep working on it, but with no guarantees.

The only guarantee in life, is a life worth fighting for.

Really, don't like imvolved typing on a touch screen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I've been sending you signals
But my signals have never been seen
I've been writing you letters
But those letters never leave me

I bought you a couple of presents
But they sit in the corner unwrapped
I just can't bring myself to fruition
I can't close this permanent gap

How can I let you forget me?
If you don't even know me already?
My name doesn't change very often
But it's never been Don and Sherri

Monday, March 9, 2009

can the rhythm connect us?

there is this dream that I have where everyone I walk past hears the same music I do. Everyone I see walks to the same beat. We all feel the same emotions, because we are all connected through the same music. I truly believe that music holds more power than almost anything in effecting your person. This isn't to say that a certain genre will make you smarter.

But then the whole nurture vs nature debate sneaks in (how it manages to find its way into every thought of mine I'll never know) and I start to wonder: is one genre more effective over another? Is there really 'superior' music? Should we all like a certain genre, or have we been conditioned by our environments to like one over the other?

Or, better yet, is it not genres at all but rhythms? That seems to be where I fall when I discuss this with myself. It's not how you apply the music to your surroundings, but it's the underlying foundation of the song, etc, that is the true ruling force in terms of effectiveness. I wish I knew more about music theory. My minimal lessons really didn't teach me much at all.

It just seems like from what I've read, especially on the role of music when paired with psychoactives, musical vibrations can have a very profound effect on your emotions and other mental processes. They can guide thought in ways I would assume is very similar to mind control.

This demands more research on my part.

Friday, March 6, 2009


I'm stuck somewhere in between Goodbye by P.O.S. and Can't Tell Me Nothing by Kanye West. And sorry Megan if that makes me "dumber."

I don't even know what to say about this last week. How shit seems to hit the fan all at once, then some how is able to loop back around and hit the fan again.

And I did the whole thing on my own. Supported myself through it. I really did, and I'm proud of the state of my mental throughout.

I hate to say this, because honestly, I usually trust everyone unless they give me a reason not to. Turns out this is my down fall. I've learned a lot about myself. I am actually non-confrontational (always thought different), I take most of the responsibility on myself, even when it's not mine to bare, I don't need to sleep, I have good friends, a good love, I don't need to eat, caffeine is my drug of choice, people lie out their teeth, sometimes they just need someone to take the blame, for some reason I'm more than willing to take that blame, I'll stand up for people, they won't always stand up for you.

I hope this doesn't ruin my generally favorable view of humanity.

Its 45 degrees, and I've already seen the most ridiculous sun glass. And shorts, t-shirts... luckily no sandals yet (although, I've been known to do that - barefoot in december too).

strike was added saturday, march 7th

Monday, March 2, 2009

an appropriate place

where is it appropriate to address death?

sometimes it seems as though you become surrounded by it.

i just found out that my best friend from the elementary school, best friends for a solid 5 years, lost her grandpa unexpectedly. one of the nicest men in the world, died in his sleep. a peaceful way to go, but he will be greatly missed.

i also just found out that a kid who went to my high school was hit by a drunk driver on hiawatha Thursday morning. his car combusted and he was trapped inside, burned alive. I drove by the scene a few hours later, frustrated with the backup it caused during morning rush hour.

just makes you think.

i love you.