Monday, March 9, 2009

can the rhythm connect us?

there is this dream that I have where everyone I walk past hears the same music I do. Everyone I see walks to the same beat. We all feel the same emotions, because we are all connected through the same music. I truly believe that music holds more power than almost anything in effecting your person. This isn't to say that a certain genre will make you smarter.

But then the whole nurture vs nature debate sneaks in (how it manages to find its way into every thought of mine I'll never know) and I start to wonder: is one genre more effective over another? Is there really 'superior' music? Should we all like a certain genre, or have we been conditioned by our environments to like one over the other?

Or, better yet, is it not genres at all but rhythms? That seems to be where I fall when I discuss this with myself. It's not how you apply the music to your surroundings, but it's the underlying foundation of the song, etc, that is the true ruling force in terms of effectiveness. I wish I knew more about music theory. My minimal lessons really didn't teach me much at all.

It just seems like from what I've read, especially on the role of music when paired with psychoactives, musical vibrations can have a very profound effect on your emotions and other mental processes. They can guide thought in ways I would assume is very similar to mind control.

This demands more research on my part.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Micah, I hope that now you are almost getting to Italy or alreay there! I am sometimes sneaking into your blog in which I found you're a really good writer. Have a great trip and be back safely!

