Wednesday, February 4, 2009

we just had another one, baby

Definitions of hope on the Web:
  • a specific instance of feeling hopeful; "it revived their hope of winning the pennant"
  • the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled; "in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope"
  • promise: grounds for feeling hopeful about the future; "there is little or no promise that he will recover"
  • expect and wish; "I trust you will behave better from now on"; "I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise"
  • someone (or something) on which expectations are centered; "he was their best hope for a victory"
  • be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes; "I am still hoping that all will turn out well"
There is so much to hope for. So much in the way of the world that will get better with time. I can't even describe the way it works. One minute you're engulfed in flames, the next minute the snow is melting and the sun warms you. Be optimistic. Be promised. Be desire.

Yet in this state of hopefulness, there is something missing. There is the longing for change that dissipates, that you grew comfortable with. That woke you up in the morning and cuddled you to sleep at night. That you fought through all day, that became your best friend and your worse enemy.

There is no more fear. Both sides are calm.

You wake one morning with what feels like a fading memory. Is it a hang over? Was it ever there? You awake to find the sun, which you haven't seen in weeks, pouring through the basement windows. You feel warmth that has not been felt for months. A slight tremble, followed by a larger vibration, and all that is frozen is rattled loose. All that has held the world in place is shaken. The freedom is empowering, but it leaves much to be desired. It would leave a hole in the heart if the heart was there. Don't ever let the freedom fool you. You are never free. You are never free. You revile in this realization. You smile to know that you are connected. The flames have subsided, the cold is dissipating, and the love is stronger than every. The love is desired. The love becomes freedom, and takes over the supports of the frozen world. Standing guard, the love will never leave you. The love with protect you.
And then the smoke leaves the lungs, and clears the air, the beauty of the world is finally again visible. No longer in hiding, no longer a distant memory. Deep in the smile you can see she is ready. Deep in her hair you can smell she is waiting. Deep in her brown eyes, you can see she is love. You've felt so far away, but the gravity has finally pulled you back in. No longer floating, with two feet on the ground, you approach everyday knowing. Not knowing what, but knowing. The earthquake is no more.
Don't you miss the excitement? Sometimes her eyes don't tell you enough. Sometimes it's not clear. Sometimes her beauty distracts her. Sometimes, just sometimes, the pain creeps back. But there is no fear, embracing what is to come, hand in hand with love. Hand in hand, allowing gravity to pull you closer, allowing gravity to keep you grounded, alive in this world.
Hand in hand you keep walking.
Hand in hand you follow the sun into the moon and into the stars.
Hand in hand you build on those fading memories, stacking one on one until the bridge has been built. One by one until you are connected again, with nothing between you.
Hand in hand, hand in hand, hand in hand.

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